Thursday, 18 October 2012

Nationally or Locally - It's the Same Old Tories

Many Tory backbenchers are said to be "furious" at the PM's continued
defence of embattled Whip, Andrew Mitchell
This government is increasingly looking like it may be a one-term administration. Opinion polls make grim reading for Tory agents these days, as Labour enjoy a consistent lead of 9-12% and - critically - Cameron's own approval ratings have crashed. Just 26% think his government is doing a good job, while 61% disapprove. One area that comes up again and again for voters polled is that the Tories are seen as "out of touch" with the lives of ordinary people. While the rest of us see our income down in real terms because of inflation racing ahead of pay increases, with surges in energy, fuel and food bills, the Tories have cut the taxes of the wealthiest so that their millionaire friends have at least an extra £48,000 a year in their pockets.

In recent weeks, the government's cause was not helped by the hapless Andrew Mitchell, the government's Chief Whip, becoming a poster boy for this out-of-touch elite as mid-tantrum he allegedly screamed "Best you learn your f***ing place. You don't run this f***ing government. You're f***ing plebs." Of course, he denies using those words, but he has yet to say what he thinks he did say. And yesterday, the Prime Minister declined to give his account to set the record straight, and continues to back his man. (We've been here before of course - with Andy Coulson receiving Cameron's ill-judged support when it was clear to everyone else that he had to go.) Labour is pressing for a vote on the issue.

Under these circumstances, you would have thought Tories would be bending over backwards to show that they DO understand, that they DO realise that times are very hard indeed for many, many households, and that they are busy making things better for all the people of the nation that they govern - not just their wealthy friends and supporters. That's why I was amazed to see this tweet from Newton Abbot town councillor and election agent & organiser for Exeter Tories, Neil Wilson:

Needless to say, Exeter Labour councillors who saw this statement were outraged. We get letters and emails every day from local people who are struggling to make ends meet, who are skipping meals so that their children can eat, who are struggling to meet rent payments, energy bills and council tax payments. Yet, the Conservatives' local organiser - the man responsible for coordinating their elections - believes the idea that those who already have little are struggling with even less is "sh*t". It's time Neil got out there and spoke to some struggling families!

Neil soon realised his public Tweet may not be voter-friendly though, hastily deleting the offending statement, but not before a quick-thinking Cllr Catherine Dawson & Cllr Paul Bull had retweeted it.

He had deleted it, he said, because it was "not his most eloquent argument" and because "certain people seem intent on misconstruing a historical fact, for their own political purposes."
Two days later, I tweeted a report that showed that the highest proportion of children relying on foodbanks for nourishment in the UK is in the southwest. It was the most re-tweeted article I have ever posted from my account. I suggested Neil read it. Maybe he had learned something from our previous discussion. He hadn't:

I was gobsmacked. Our Tory organiser appeared to be suggesting that charitable food hand-outs were some kind of Big Society project to be welcomed, rather than a desperate charity safety net that shouldn't  be necessary in the first place if people had decent jobs at a living wage.

Sadly, Neil is not alone in his views within the local Tory Party. On Tuesday night, at Exeter Council's Full Council meeting, Labour councillor Phil Bialyk tabled a Notice of Motion opposing the Government's proposals to introduce regional pay for public servants. What followed was extraordinary.

Local authorities up and down the country, of all political colours, have opposed regional pay. In areas like Exeter, where so many people work in the public sector, the local economy would be hard hit by a significant number of workers with less to spend each month. We expected a common-sense and relatively short debate followed by unanimous support for the motion.
Before Phil had even got to his feet to introduce the motion, Tory councillor Norman Shiel (no stranger to controversy) asked the Lord Mayor to move straight to the vote, with no open debate of this important issue. His proposal was immediately seconded by Tory Leader Yolonda Henson (below). The motion was, they tried to argue, party-political, and an opportunity for "grandstanding" from the Left. This despite the fact that many business leaders have spoken out against regional pay - this is not a public sector versus private sector debate!

The Labour benches were disgusted at this attempt to stifle debate, it showed a complete contempt for democracy and a disdain for our many local public sector workers. The Chief Executive interjected and explained that as debate had not begun, we could not yet go to the vote, and that debate should be allowed. Tory Jake Donovan was first to his feet, and spoke passionately (if not altogether coherently) about the injustice of public sector pay, and said that he would oppose the motion. Second, came another local Tory, Andrew Leadbetter, who said he had some sympathy with the motion, and would not oppose it - but nor did he feel he could support it either.
So much for the issue being "party political". Labour and the Liberal Democrats all spoke in support of the motion, while Tory after Tory spoke in different directions. Again, Cllrs Shiel and Henson moved to go to the vote. They were overruled by the Lord Mayor, and debate continued until everyone had had their say. In his summing up, Cllr Bialyk reminded Cllr Donovan that many public sector workers lived in his ward, Pennsylvania; and then requested a recorded vote - where rather than a show of hands each councillor has the way they voted recorded publicly and individually. The Tory councillors who had spoken so fiercely against the motion - Donovan, Shiel and Henson - appeared to lose their nerve. Every single Conservative councillor abstained. Every single Labour and Liberal Democrat councillor voted in favour of Exeter opposing Regional Pay. 

Exeter, thanks to Labour and with support from the Lib Dems, now officially sides with public servants in resisting the cutting of their pay. We will stand with those families who are struggling to make ends meet in this recession - the deepest since the Second World War - and will oppose Tory cuts, whether to pay, welfare, or to local services.

And the local Tories? They seem as aloof as Andrew Mitchell, as dithering as Cameron, and as out-of-touch as their own local agent. 

Credits: PMQs photo via BBC. Photo of Cllr Henson via This Is Exeter website, Express & Echo.

Monday, 1 October 2012

Q. What are the Liberal Democrats FOR anymore?

Maybe it's just the benefit of the coverage of their conference last week, maybe it's Nick Clegg's (brief) stint in the charts for the remixed version of that apology (left), but the Lib Dems seem to be getting a little more coverage than usual. Nick Clegg may have apologised for making the tuition fees pledge (not for breaking it you understand), but otherwise he used his conference speech to defend Osborne's calamitous budget, and insisted that the government - and the Lib Dems in it - must press on with its austerity agenda. He defended the tax cut at the top rate that puts £40k a year in the pockets of millionaires. At the same time he refused to rule out further cuts to welfare, when most frontline agencies are expressing profound concerns about the impact on those already announced on the poorest and most vulnerable in our communities when they come into force next year. As Ed Miliband said in interviews this weekend, far from being a "brake" on the ideology of the Tories, the Lib Dems are an accomplice to swathing cuts that are not only damaging to our communities, but are damaging to the economy. 

When you give tax cuts to millionaires, they do not spend that additional money - they invest it. The economy does not grow through a policy like that. It grows when the millions of ordinary people in this country have jobs that pay a living wage, and the taxation and spending that results lifts business and public spending across the board. The policies of this Tory government - and their Lib Dem co-conspirators - are choking off any hope of growth, and the deficit - the very purpose the Lib Dems said they went into coalition - is growing as a result. The policies are failing, the government is failing, and the coalition partnership is failing.

Nick Clegg's determination to defend austerity (like his decision to defend rises in tuition fees) is entirely at odds with his pre-election message:

"Imagine the Conservatives go home and get an absolute majority, on 25% of the eligible votes," Clegg said. "They then turn around in the next week or two and say we're going to chuck up VAT to 20%, we're going to start cutting teachers, cutting police and the wage bill in the public sector. I think if you're not careful in that situation… you'd get Greek-style unrest. And so my warning to people who think the old politics still works, is be careful for what you wish for."

Since that Observer electioneering interview, Clegg & the Lib Dems have voted through:
ALL the things Clegg cautioned would lead to "Greek-style unrest". What has changed? Why were these policies disastrous as far as the Lib Dems were concerned before they gained power, yet now are "necessary"?

The party also sought election on a platform of constitutional reform and human rights. They failed spectacularly to get a "Yes" to an alternative voting system in the referendum, that was called ridiculously prematurely in the parliament. Nor could the Lib Dems wield any influence whatsoever over their Tory masters on Lords Reform, while the draft Communications Bill will give security forces the powers to monitor internet use and mobile communications that would make most libertarian Lib Dems squirm. 

Clegg wows the Lib Dem activist base at conference 2012!
It's hard to see how any Lib Dem activist could possibly look a voter in the eye ever again and claim that Lib Dems are a force for progress and change. They are either impotent, or complicit. Either they lack principle or spine. 

All this is, of course, concerned with the national picture. But what of our local Lib Dem presence? Lib Dems have often enjoyed local support as a party of "good local people", even if their national party is in the doldrums. In Exeter, the local Lib Dems' fortunes have been closely mirroring those of their national colleagues. In the heady days of 2008 the Lib Dems were the largest party on Exeter City Council with 13 councillors, and enjoying 27% of the vote across the city. Their close (if antiquated) Liberal allies had a further 3 councillors. Since the 2010 General Election, and their sudden chuminess with the Tories, it's all been downhill.

In June 2010 Cllr Rob Hannaford and then Cllr Adrian Hannaford defected from the Lib Dems to Labour in protest at the coalition government. They could hardly be accused of "glory-hunting" or "opportunism" at a time when Labour still trailed in the polls and the coalition enjoyed its (admittedly brief) honeymoon period with the press and electorate. Then, an extra set of autumn elections was triggered by the coalition's decision to reverse Labour's decision to allow Exeter unitary status. The Lib Dems lost one of the three seats it was defending. 

Lib Dem leader Adrian Fullam watches over counting on
a depressing night for his party in May (via BBC)
In 2011 they lost a further 2, as did the local Liberal Party; but then in May of this year the Lib Dems were reduced to just 5 City councillors - with just 14% of the vote across the city, as Labour (already the largest group since 2010) took outright control. In amongst these results there were some shocks. County councillor Vanessa Newcombe lost her City seat to Labour newcomer Rob Crew in Alphington, a full 10% behind in the share of the vote. In St Davids, Labour's Sarah Laws surprised herself by unseating Philip Brock - one half of a well-established husband-and-wife Lib Dem team with his wife, Stella, while in St Thomas the local voters re-elected Rob Hannaford - now firmly in the Labour camp. Both Philip Brock and Vanessa Newcombe will no doubt be nervous in May 2013 as they have to defend their County Council seats against a strong Labour challenge - and the Lib Dems face being wiped out as far as the County Council is concerned in Exeter.

What have they learned? Nothing it seems. The local Lib Dems continue to defend the absurd positions adopted by their national leaders, still vainly trying to persuade local voters that the policies that we all know are choking recovery, and are hurting us - or the lives of those we know - are a good thing. The Exeter Lib Dem website still carries an article stating that the 2012 budget, almost universally derided as the most disastrous budget in living memory, was in fact a budget "for the many not the few"! No lessons have been learned. I would invite anyone in Exeter to attend Council meetings and witness the Lib Dems (and their leader in particular) enjoy the cosiest of relationships with the Tory "opposition" on the Council. 

Let me be clear. I have many friends who are current or past Lib Dem activists. My favorite newspaper - the Guardian - came out in favour of the Lib Dems in 2010. For many, the Lib Dems presented an option in 2010 that was carefully crafted to supposedly offer a "more progressive" alternative to those on the Left than Labour. I don't blame anyone for looking for an alternative when Labour looked like it was running out of steam. However, those that fell for it, now feel duped. One of the saddest developments recently is that a local (and somewhat secretive!) Lib Dem blogger, Lonely Wonderer, stopped writing in July signing off by saying, "I think I've largely failed to get through to fellow Lib Dems" - and this after his / her penultimate posting asked the pertinent question, "Is the Lib Dem core vote circling the plughole?"

I believe there are some good, principled people in the rank-and-file of the local Lib Dem supporter base. However, these people are not served by a party leadership that is still in denial about its own role and complicity in implementing a vehemently Tory agenda that even Thatcher could only have dreamt of. I understand that the previous Labour government got things wrong, things that may make some Liberal and Social Democrats question - but those same debates rage in the Labour party too. Indeed, Ed Miliband has voiced his own reservations about some aspects of our recent history. The difference is that Labour is facing up to its record and refounding itself, and - against all odds if the media is to be believed - is doing so under a unified leadership and re-energised activist base. 

There is every prospect that the Liberal Democrats will take another beating in the 2013 County Council elections. And in 2014's City Council elections. Why would someone who cares about progressive politics stay in a party facing electoral irrelevance? "Because we're a Party of principle - we don't just seek power," was an explanation offered to me by one local Lib Dem friend. This may have carried some weight had the "principles" of no rises in tuition fees, no increase in VAT, no tax cuts for the wealthiest not been so readily sacrificed on the altar of coalition politics. 

Exeter Lib Dems' group of councillors is dwindling fast, its supporter and activist base is shrinking and it will struggle to defend the seats it has - never mind fight to make gains for some years to come. Meanwhile Exeter Labour - with  a growing band of councillors and an experienced and heavyweight MP - is ensuring the city rides out the double-dip recession that was made in Downing Street. 

Maybe, one day, a re-energised third centrist party will emerge again from the ashes of this calamitous Lib Dem era - but let's not pretend that the Lib Dems are a force for good in the coalition, or that they are either "Leftist" or "progressive". If you counted yourself as on the left or  a progressive in 2010, then the Lib Dems have failed you, but it's an exciting time to be part of Labour. This nation and this city still has some huge problems to face up to and solve no one is pretending otherwise. Yet neither the Tories nor the Lib Dems have the answers, that much is clear. But in Exeter Labour you will find a vibrant and energetic local party that is getting on with working at community level to find the solutions we all need. 

If you voted Lib Dem last time and feel as betrayed as the polls suggest so many do, then come home to Labour.