Tuesday, 7 August 2012

Important consultation event

Have Your Say: Building Pinhoe

An important consultation event is being held to give residents a say in future developments in and around Pinhoe, and will give local people a chance to speak to local councillors, but also to Planning and Transport officers from ECC, DCC and EDDC. The event is to be held at Pinhoe Primary School on Wednesday 29th August from 3pm to 7pm. (Directions here)

Pinhoe is set to grow
There are a number of significant developments in the pipeline for the Pinhoe area. Planning permission has already been granted for building much-needed new homes in the Ibstock Quarry & Brickworks sites, and there are now consultations underway from Barratt Homes and Eagle One to build more homes in the Monkerton and Hill Barton area.

In the City Council's Core Strategy, the Monkerton and Hill Barton area is allocated for the development of up to 2,500 new homes. Development in the area is guided by the Monkerton & Hill Barton Masterplan, which was consulted on and agreed in 2010. The Masterplan was designed as a supplement to the Core Strategy, and indicates how the site could be developed based on key principles. It is an important document guiding planning applications for the site, but it is not a definitive plan and planning applications may propose slightly different combinations of land use. 

Checking new EDDC plans with
Labour County Cllr Saxon Spence
Meanwhile, in neighbouring East Devon, permission is being sought for several new developments on the edges of Pinhoe that would undoubtedly have an impact on our ward. At the June meeting of its Planning Committee, ECC objected to development at Pinn Court Farm on the basis that EDDC had not adequately considered the traffic implications for Pinhoe village. We will certainly be lobbying Tory-controlled EDDC to ensure that any future developments over the border make allowances for the added pressures on infrastructure in Pinhoe. You can keep up to date with these developments at http://planning.eastdevon.gov.uk/online-applications/

You can view the Core Strategy, Masterplan and planning applications at the Civic Centre, Paris Street, or online:

The upside!
With development comes resources to invest in community infrastructure. Your Exeter City councillors, Moira MacDonald and Simon Bowkett, recently attended the Pinhoe Community Association Family Fun Day to talk to local residents about the services they feel Pinhoe village currently lacks.
Public toilets, warden-assisted housing for older people and youth facilities scored very highly. What do you think? Email your ideas to simon4pinhoe@gmail.com

We are also keen to speak to residents in or around the Summerway area of the ward about the possibility of a new community facility for your area. Would you like to get involved? Contact either cllr.simon.bowkett@exeter.gov.uk or cllr.moira.macdonald@exeter.gov.uk to set up a meeting with us.

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